2025 Renegade Craft Tour! →

Renegade Craft Fair

June 15, 2015

Jessie Lazar


New York continues to generate talented ceramicists and this particular maker is no exception. Today we’re thrilled to be featuring Jessie Lazar. Jessie has hung out with us since our first Pop-Up, and the 20th will be her last appearance at East River State Park.


Jessie is a born and bred New Yorker that loves working in her own home town. Living in Brooklyn and working in Chelsea, Jessie uses the city to find daily inspirations to infuse her work with local color and aesthetic. From her two hands to the energy she saturates into each piece, Jessie and her work is 100% New York. Even her clay is sourced from upstate New York.


Many forces drive Jessie’s desire to create. Besides the city in which she lives, Springtime is Jessie’s favorite time to gather inspiration. For Jessie, Spring beholds astounding colors and shapes, perfect forms, and perfect lines – all of which lead Jessie straight to her studio to create.
P1090633 P1090762We love all the shapes in Jessie Lazar’s collection. From the organic, fluidly shaped fruit bowls to the smooth curved canisters. Jessie’s perfectionism might appear subtle, but it’s all in the details where her flawless taste resides.
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Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

tools copyWe can’t wait to stock up on all of Jessie’s ceramics at our 3rd Pop-Up this Saturday. You can find Jessie Lazar here:

