2025 Renegade Craft Tour! →

Renegade Craft Fair

November 10, 2016

Palermo Body Aloe + Honey Mask


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photos by rosalie faith

This year we’re all about self care, and we’ve teamed up with Jess Morelli, owner of New York apothecary brand, Palermo Body to give us some tips for this season’s skin! Lets face it, winter skin is never fun, especially when you’re already stressed at work and have a mountain of gifts to buy for family and friends. 

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This recipe is one of my favorite ways to use our mask, especially at the change of seasons and throughout the dry winter months. Both aloe and honey are humectants, meaning they naturally draw moisture to your skin for lasting hydration. Additionally, aloe has soothing properties for inflamed skin and honey is antibacterial in nature, making it excellent for fighting and preventing blemishes.


what you’ll need:

1 teaspoon Palermo Body’s Vitamin C Facial Mask

1 teaspoon aloe juice* (approx. one aloe leaf)

1/2 teaspoon raw honey*

small dish and spoon

*I suggest raw honey, and aloe right from the leaf if it’s available to you. Processed or filtered ingredients are often stripped of their essential nutrients.  However if you are only able to find store bought aloe and pasteurized honey by all means use them and you’ll still receive great results.

All ingredient amounts are suggested and this simple recipe gives you the freedom to increase or lessen any amount based on your desired consistency. Have fun with it!

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Palermo Body’s Vitamin C Facial Mask is made with French + Australian pink clay which aid in detoxifying and toning your skin while the Rosehip + Strawberry extract (rich in vitamin C) work to regenerate skin cells. Lastly Chamomile and Hibiscus powders help with inflammation and puffiness. This combination naturally accelerates damage recovery for nourished, luminous skin and is formulated to provide benefits for all skin types.

Our mask is in a dry powdered form so that you may customize it as you wish. Even if that means adding just a bit of water for a quick and easy morning mask or perhaps taking the time to do a full treatment such as this one.

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+ Start by clipping one leaf from an aloe plant. Cut leaf into 1/2 inch slices and gently squeeze the juice from each slice into a small dish. One leaf should yield approximately one teaspoon of juice.

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+ Scoop approximately one teaspoon of Vitamin C Mask into the dish with aloe. Top with 1/2 teaspoon of honey and stir until all ingredients are well incorporated and mask reaches desired consistency.  For even more nourishment, add a few drops of our Regenerative Facial Serum to mixture as well.

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+ Apply mask evenly to your face and massage into your skin with circular motions.

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+ Allow the mask to dry. Simply rinse off with warm water after as little as fifteen minutes or relax and let the mask set for up to 45 minutes.

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I hope you enjoy this mask as much as I do and I would love to hear what you think!

Happy Masking <3


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